Monday, April 25, 2011

Sunday's Bounty of Protein!

Easter- A day for biblical remembrance, has some how mortified itself into a day where many children hope that a mysterious rabbit will come in the middle of the night and hide bright pastel eggs for them. Maybe it's the nice weather and the spring season, that makes people focus on cute baby creatures, and soft, perfumed flowers and some how this led to the strange rabbit theory. But whatever you choose to observe or believe on this day, the resurrection, the season of new life, or the brightly-colored, sugar-covered marshmallows on sale, if you are a runner take advantage of the bounty of protein! EGGS!

Eggs are packed with protein, plus you can pick up varying amounts of Vitamins A, D, E, and K. Mine a little deeper and you'll hit some minerals, particularly iron. Plus eggs contain essential amino acids the body can’t manufacture. I could ramble on.

So how'd we celebrate? By dying about 2 dozen hard boiled eggs Saturday night! I'm sure when you think "snack", Easter eggs don't jump to mind, but really, they make for a fantastic snack! And at 70 callories a pop, who can complain?

Monday, April 11, 2011

Home Meets and Home Dinners

Saturday, April 9th was the Potts Invitational, our home track meet! The first time this season that many of us laced up our spikes and turn on the race mode mindset. And what better way to prepare for a six hour meet in the sun then by carboloading! (I probably shouldn't throw around the term carboloading like that- to really carboloading you must first deplete your cells of carbs, a process that takes about a week, then consume a large amount of carbs-we merrily had a team pasta dinner.)
Pasta, meat sauce,a varriety of bread, salads, some ice tea and cookies covered our kitchen tables. Everyoneone on the track and field team was invited, as long as they possessed two X chromosomes.

As the hosting house, I began the meat sauce 3 hours before the feasting began. Why so early? Because the vine ripe tomatoes needed that much time to boil down and simmer with the fresh oregano and basil.
I colored it up too- yellow squash, orange bell pepper, zucchini, and red onion.

About 25 of us in total devoured the feast! And by looking at the results, I think it paid off!
Bon Appetit Buffalos!